- Visa Vietnam Online 247 is the world’s leading centers of Vietnam visa on arrival. Designed to provide convenient service for every traveler, especially related to the processing of applications for visas on arrival.
- Close relations with the Vietnam Immigration Department visa approval should reach the highest success rate when you use our services, you can rest assured, because we have a team of professionals will give you advice all visa-related issues.
- With the visa service over many years of experience, we know how to please customers with quality service and the fastest.
Visa Vietnam Online 247

Check if you need a visa to Vietnam:
Select your citizenship and click check requirements.

Step 1: Fill out the online application form
Please enter your information into online form to process Vietnam visa on arrival (VOA) to Vietnam at the link: Apply for a Vietnam visa In this step, you are required...
Step 2: Confirm and pay for service fee
Please double check your information to make sure that all of it is correct. In addition, select our extra services if you need them, please. Then choose the payment...
Step 3: Get approval letter & instructions
After settling the payment, please check your email from us for your confirmed information, and we will let you know when you will have your visa approval letter. Get...
Step 4: Get visa stamped upon arrival
Upon arrival to Vietnam International Airports (Hanoi, Da Nang or Hochiminh), you present all things in the prepared package (passport, visa approval letter, 2 passport sized photos, the exit...

- 1 Simple : 100% online procedure, no passport send-off
- 2 Convenient : Applicable for all air-travelers to Vietnam by Airplane.
- 3 Faster : Maximum 48 working hours, 4 or 8 working hours for Rush Vietnam Visa.
- 4 Cheaper : Low service fees, no hidden charges.
- 5 More accessible : Best choice for those living far from Embassies, save your time

VietNam Visa Support
- Where to get visa upon arrival at the airports?
- What is Vietnam Visa approval letter?
- What preparing to applying for Visa at Vietnam Embassy?
- Can I get Vietnam visa within a day ?
- What information is required when applying for Vietnam Visa?
- How long in advance should I apply for visa?
- Vietnam Visa on Arrival trustworthy?
- Who needs visa when visiting Vietnam?
- What is Vietnam visa on arrival ?
- How to fill in the Vietnam entry and exit form
- (中文) 越南簽證2022: 電子E-VISA簽證、落地簽證
Our Customers Say

If your visa application is denied by Vietnam Immigration Department, we will refund 100% charge. You will receive a full refund of fees paid for this particular service and for return shipping (if prepaid).
However, if you decide to cancel after your information has been sent and your visa has been approved, Vietnam Visa Center will not refund the service has been completed. All service fees, embassy fees, courier fees will not be refunded after the approval letter has been sent to your email.
“自8月15日越南電子簽證嘅最新消息 ” 中國護照、台灣護照可以申請電子簽證 E-visa -停留30天或90天
越南政府決定自8月15日起向進入越南嘅所有國家嘅公民簽發電子簽證( E-visa )(包括E開頭嘅中國護照、台灣護照)。 與以往相比,中國護照持有人想要嚟越南旅遊、工作時,必須申請落地簽證,申請落地簽證嘅流程相對于電子簽證來說相當複雜,因此由8月15日起中國護照持有者完全可以申請電子簽證。 中國護照持有者可以申請90天嘅電子簽證呀? 此前,越南電子簽證只允許遊客喺越南停留30天一次入境。 但目前根據越南政府公佈嘅新政策,電子簽證將停留時間由30天延長至90天,所以持有中國護照同台灣護照嘅公民可以選擇兩種簽證:90天單次入境同90天多次入境。 申請電子簽證嘅需要準備哪些材料? 電子簽證需要嘅文件非常簡單,你需要準備的一些文件係: 護照照片清晰,整頁信息,唔模糊,有效期6个月(可以用手機拍嘅) 人像圖像清晰,無模糊,無黑白,無戴眼鏡(不是從護照上的照片上裁剪出來的,可以用手機拍的) 入境日期(您應該決定要進入越南的日期,因為您不能早于註冊日期入境,可以晚於註冊日期入境。 ) 入境機場(電子簽證允許進入幾乎所有國際機場、海港同內地) 如果您有急事要更改行程,您的簽證信息有錯誤,您想在1天內緊急拿到簽證,您可以參考我們的加急電子簽簽證服務。 我們可以在3天、2天、1天、4小時和2小時-1小時及 20分鐘緊急內為您辦理簽證。 如果您對我哋嘅加急簽證服務感興趣,你可以訪問以下連結了解更多信1 new message (visavietnamonline247.com)
(中文) 越南電子簽證緊急服務 2023年(旅遊簽證 )
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(中文) 2023 ( E-VISA)?護照可以申請電子簽證嗎?
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